Iceberg and Whale Tours

Marieke Gow Photography

Tour Companies Located in Trinity

Trinity is one of the best areas in Newfoundland and Labrador to hop on a whale watching tour and have once in a lifetime experience with the Humpback Whales and other species that come to our area to feed on capelin during the summer months. To see daily records of whale sightings around the Trinity area CLICK HERE.  

Early in the season during the months of May and June, visitors may also have the opportunity to experience icebergs up close.

Large Iceberg on the Bonavista Peninsula
Iceberg: To purchase this print visit Paul Dolks Website. See the dot in the water to the far right of this photo is Paul’s boat.

By Fall, the Humpbacks have normally departed, however, the waters are teaming with other species including Sperm Whales, Blue Fin Tuna, superods of White Sided Dolphins and the occasional pod of Orcas. Birds including Gannets, Puffins and Bald Eagles often appear on the tours.

Please keep in mind that we can never predict or guarantee nature. Some years whales and icebergs arrive later or earlier than expected.

Sea of Whales Adventure  

Vessel Type: Zodiac
Phone: 1-709-464-2200
Address: 1 Ash’s Lane
Walking Distance from the Twine Loft – 2 minutes                                                                          

Top-Rated Boat Tour in Trinity on Trip Advisor

Watch a Mug Up to Remember with Sea of Whales

Atlantic Adventures                                                                                                                                  

Vessel Type: Trawll’r’sailer
Address: 1 Dock Lane
Walking distance from the Twine Loft – 6 minutes     

Trinity Eco Tours   

Vessel Type: Zodiac
Phone: 1-709-464-3712
Address: 1 Stoneman’s Lane
Walking distance from the Twine Loft:  4 minutes


Marieke Gow Photography


 Thank you to Paul Dolk, whose photography studio is located in Open Hall on Route 235 for allowing us to share his work.   Visit his website Paul Dolk Photography


Explore Trinity, Newfoundland

Discover the many reasons why Trinity is the perfect place to stay while exploring Eastern Newfoundland’s Bonavista Peninsula.  Trinity is one of the most walk-able town’s of Newfoundland, taking only 25 minutes to stroll the circumference of the town with various white-picket fence lined streets criss-crossing throughout its centre.   The majority of attractions and activities are located on the opposite end of town to the Artisan Inn’s accommodations, allowing our guests to take advantage of the peace and quiet of an out-port community while being only a few minutes away by foot from Rising Tide Theatre, whale watching, historic sites and shopping.

DOWNLOAD  Map of Trinity, Newfoundland

Whale and Iceberg Tours


Trinity Bay and Bonavista Bay serve as nature’s playground during the Spring and Summer months in Newfoundland.  

Twenty-two species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises swim the waters along the coastline of Newfoundland and Labrador during the months of May to August. The Bonavista Peninsula is a perfect location to see and appreciate these magnificent creatures of the sea.  

Some species spotted in Trinity Bay and Bonavista Bay include: Humpback Whales, Sperm Whales, Minke Whales, Pothead Whales and Killer Whales (Orcas).  White-sided dolphins and Bluefin Tuna are frequently spotted during the Fall.  

Boat tours also provide the opportunity to see the many majestic icebergs floating past Trinity during Spring and early Summer.  The prime time to see icebergs is between late May and late June.

Finally, the Peninsula’s unique geological features offer an added bonus on every trip.

A whale shows off during a tour with Sea of Whales Adventures
Marieke Gow Photography

Those who come to visit during the month of June and early July are sometimes lucky enough to spot icebergs, whales and various sea birds, including: the Atlantic Puffin and Bald Eagles all at once!

To see daily records of whale sightings in our area CLICK HERE.  

The two communities that offer boat tours with the focus of seeing wildlife are Trinity and Bonavista.


Three boat tours are located within walking distance of the Artisan Inn

A group of people wearing flotation safety suits sit in a zodiac operated by Sea of Whales adventures
Photo Taken on Sea of Whale Adventure Tours. The #1 boat tour on trip advisor for the town of Trinity

Sea of Whales Adventure  

Vessel Type: Zodiac
Phone: 1-709-464-2200
Address: 1 Ash’s Lane
Walking Distance from the Twine Loft: 2 minutes     


Atlantic Adventures                                                                                                                                  

Vessel Type: Trawller sailer
Phone: 1-709-464-2133
Address: 1 Dock Lane
Walking distance from the Twine Loft: 6 minutes                                           

Trinity Eco Tours   

Vessel Type: Zodiac
Phone: 1-709-464-3712
Address: 1 Stoneman’s Lane
Walking distance from the Twine Loft: 4 minutes


A boat tour returning at sunset to a flock of puffins

Discovery Sea Adventures

Vessel Type: Fast Rescue Craft
Phone: 1-709-470-0322
Address: Roper Street, Bonavista NL
Located in the parking lot of the Matthew Legacy site

Bonavista Puffin and Whale Tours

Vessel Type: Larger vessel type with indoor and outdoor seating and a washroom on board
Phone: 1-709-468-8438
Address: 15 Roper Street, Bonavista NL
Located in the parking lot of the Matthew Legacy site.

Places to Whale Watch From Land in Trinity Bight

While boat tours offer a first class whale watching experience, getting you up close and personal with wildlife, not everyone has the greatest sea legs.  We can never guarantee a whale sighting, however, we can tell you where the locals often go to watch Humpbacks feeding once they have arrived for the season.  Our staff receive updates from local boat tours and summer residents when pods are feeding close to shore in certain area’s.  We do our best to communicate anything exciting that we are aware of when we register guests at the inn or during morning breakfast.

Fort Point Lighthouse and Beach

Watch for humpback whales on the beach of Fort Point, Trinity

We recommend getting a lunch to go from Trinity Mercantile Coffee Shop and heading to Fort Point Lighthouse for a picnic.  Whales are often seen feeding during the month of July just off the point’s beach.

Driving Distance from Trinity: 19 Minutes

English Harbour / Horse Chops

Cliffs of English Harbour
Located 19 minutes from the Artisan Inn

This is the area many locals go to watch whales from the cliffs. The beach in English Harbour is also a popular spot to watch the capelin when they start to roll.  locals are often seen here with buckets to harvest the small silver fish for a meal.

Driving Distance from Trinity: 19 Minutes

Skerwink Trail, Trinity East/Port Rexton

Skerwink Trail
Marieke Gow Photography

Whales often feed below the cliffs, offering hikers a bird’s eye view.  One cannot drive up to these spots, but instead, must hike the outer trail for the best vantage points.

Driving distance from Trinity: 13 minutes

Please note that whales are wild animals and their feeding times and locations can never be guaranteed.

Find Driving Directions to all communities mentioned