Trinity Bight Fall 2023 Food, Shopping & Activities Guides

Planning A Fall Trip?

The fall is a beautiful time to visit Trinity and the Bonavista Peninsula, but sometimes it can be unclear as to what is open.  There are still plenty of activities and dining options in  Trinity and the communities of Trinity Bight for our guests to enjoy.

What is Trinity Bight you ask?

Trinity Bight is a large area of the Northwestern portion of Trinity Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The bight contains the communities of New Bonaventure, Old Bonaventure, Trouty, Dunfield, Goose Cove, Trinity, Lockston, Trinity East, Port Rexton, Champney’s Arm, Champney’s West, Champney’s East, and English Harbour.   The Bight is just south of Port Union, Elliston & Bonavista.  While this list does not include operating hours for businesses outside of Trinity Bight, our team will help you at check-in understand what will be available to you in those areas should you explore beyond The Bight. 

The Artisan Inn's colourful waterside houses.
Artisan Inn & Vacation Homes



NOTE: These guides were created with information provided to us by various business owners.  Some may decide to change their operating dates and hours based on volume of guests or staffing. We always encourage individuals to make reservations when possible and to double check that the information remains correct.  Should any business in the Trinity Bight Area wish to contact us with information about their hours or to be added to or removed from the list, please reach out via email.

October Dining Guide Trinity Bight on the Bonavista Peninsula

Includes operating dates and times for:
Twine Loft (open until October 15th 2023) , Dock Marina, The Galley, Fisher’s Loft, Brightside Bistro, Port Rexton Brewery, Oh My Cheeses, Trinity Cabins, Two Whales Coffee Shop, Aunt Sarah’s Chocolates,


Fall 2023 Guide: Places to Shop Around Trinity on the Bonavista Peninsula

Includes operating dates and times for:
Twine Loft, Eriksen Premises, Aunt Sarah’s Chocolate, Lester Garland Building, Trinity Crafts, Two Whales Coffee Shop, Port Rexton Brewery, Shoreline Treasures, Sea of Whales.

Note all shops or businesses with shopping sections with the exception of Eriksen Premises are expected to be operating in October to some capacity. More details to come

Fall 2023 Guide: Shop, Eat, Do: Operating Days & Hours Bonavista, Elliston & Port Union

Includes operating dates and times for: 
The Harbour Side Cafe, Union House Arts, Home from the Sea, Barbera Houston Art Studio, Ryan Premises, Mock Begger Plantation, Matthew Legacy Centre, East Coast Glow, Artistry on Church, Kind Seas Jewlery, Ragged Rock, Bicycle Picnics, Quintal Cafe

Special Events

Trinity: Fort to Forge 10km race – September 23, 2023

Quintessential Vocal Ensemble  Performance in Trinity October, 1st 3pm 2023

Trinity Fall Shopping Festival: October 13-15th 2023
(Various shops will open and offer special end of season savings)




Communities and Directions




Download Map of Trinity, Newfoundland

Trinity is located 1 hour from The Trans Canada Highway/Highway 1  once you take the exit for Route 230 (near the town of Clarenville)

Drivers have the option of driving directly from Highway 1 to route 230 or they can cut through the town of Clarenville taking Route 230A that eventually meets up with Route 230.  There is little difference in time between these two options, however, the second option is more scenic and more convenient if you plan to stop in Clarenville, which has larger grocery stores and a large NLC (Liquor Store) for supplies.

Drive 50.8km and along Route 230 and turn right onto Route 239

After 3km  you will see a large bay of blue and white buoys (this is a mussel farm)

There is a left-hand turn after this bay that leads into the historic town of Trinity.

Highlights: Shopping, Whale Watching Tours, 7 Historic Sites, Rising Tide Theatre, Dining, Gun Hill Trail, Guided Historical Walking Tour. Visit EXPLORE TRINITY to learn more.

For more details about getting to the Artisan Inn visit our GETTING HERE section.

The following communities located on Route 239, Route 230 and Route 235 are all easily accessible from Trinity ranging from 10 minutes to 50 minutes away.


New Bonaventure

A film set from the Grand Seduction Located in New Bonaventure

Approximately 25 minutes from the Artisan Inn

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. turn left onto route 239 at the T intersection (located by the mussel farm).  New Bonaventure is located at the end of this road, 15.8km from Trinity.

Highlights: Rugged Beauty Boat Tours, Random Passage, Grand Seduction and Shipping News film sets and locations.

Fort Point



Approximately 19 minutes from the Artisan Inn.

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Drive for 1.9 Kilometers.  Turn left onto Main Road/Route 239 drive for 2.7km and turn left at Dunfield.  Continue driving for 4km.

Highlights: Fort Point Lighthouse and interpretation centre, whale spotting from land (during feeding months)


Port Rexton/Trinity East

Approximately 13 minutes from the Artisan Inn.

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive 4.5km (5 minutes) to arrive at Port Rexton.  At the bright yellow gas station, turn right onto Rocky Hill Road and drive for 1.9km (3 minutes) passing Bishop White School and the Fisher’s Loft Conference Centre turn off, to reach Trinity East and the start point of the Skerwink Trail. To get to the Port Rexton Brewery, turn left off Rocky Hill Road onto Station Road.

Highlights: Port Rexton Brewery, Skerwink Trail, 2 Whales Vegetarian Coffee Shop

English Harbour

Cliffs of English Harbour

Approximately 19 minutes from the Artisan Inn.

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive 5.9 Kilometers and turn right at the English Harbour Sign.  Drive 4.9 more kilometers.  Continue through English Harbour to the Horse Chops for a great whale watching spot in season, however, visitors should be advised that the road becomes a dirt road and visitors should park their car and continue by foot if they do not feel that their vehicle can handle the terrain.  

Highlights: English Harbour Arts Centre, Horsechops (a coastal area great for viewing whales during feeding season)

Champney’s West

Approximately 18 minutes from the Artisan Inn

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive past Port Rexton, Passing the Two Whales Coffee Shop and take the next right to Champney’s West. You will reach a fork in the road and stay to the right. This drive from the 239/230 turn off is 7.2km.

Highlights: Fox Island Hiking Trail, Champney’s West Aquarium

Port Union


Approximately 30 minutes from the Artisan Inn

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Continue driving for 27.9km (approximately 25 minutes)

Highlights: Murphy’s Cove Lodges Pond Trail, The Factory Historic Site, The Bungalow Historic Site, Discovery UNESCO Geopark site.

Elliston & Maberly

Atlantic Puffins
Puffins by Paul Dolk: To purchase this print visit Paul Dolk’s Website

Approximately 45 minutes from the Artisan Inn.

Directions from Route 230: 
Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230.
Drive for 39.7km until you reach the 238 turn-off on your right. Drive 6.3km to reach Elliston. Once in Elliston, The Sealer’s Memorial Statue is located on Main Road, to reach Bird Island, take Sandy Cove Road.  Continue Elliston municipal park and Bird Island to reach Maberly.

Alternative Directions from Bonavista
Directions from Bonavista/Spillar’s Cove: Staying on the main road, you will reach an intersection with signage for Spillar’s Cove. Turn right. this road is the northern section of route 238.  Drive past the Bonavista water tower (keeping it to your right) and past the two cemeteries opposite one another.  Reach Crewe’s Garage, located on a fork in the road.  Take the right arm of the fork. You should see a small sign for Route 238. Drive 7.1km (roughly 10 minutes) to reach Elliston and Maberly.

Highlights: Home From the Sea Sealers Museum, Sealer’s Memorial Statue, Puffin Viewing Site, Root Cellar Capital of the World


Approximately 45 minutes from the Artisan Inn.

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive for (40 minutes) until you enter the town of Bonavista.

Highlights: Ryan Premises National Historic Site, The Matthew, Cape Bonavista Lighthouse, Shopping, Cape Shore Hiking Trail, The Dungeon

Spillars Cove

Approximately 49 minutes from Trinity

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive for (40 minutes) until you enter the town of Bonavista.

Staying on the main road, you will reach an intersection with signage for Spillar’s Cove. Turn right. this road is the northern section of route 238.  Drive past the Bonavista water tower (keeping it to your right) and past the two cemeteries opposite one another.

Reach Crewe’s Garage, located on a fork in the road and continue driving straight (turning right will take you to Elliston). Drive 2.4km past Crewe’s Garage to arrive in Spillar’s Cove.

Please park your vehicle where the pavement ends and do not attempt to drive on the dirt road.  This will contribute to the erosion of a geologically significant area of our peninsula and makes it difficult for hikers to proceed safely.

Highlights: Spillar’s Cove Sea Stacks.  Tuckamore Discoveries Walking Tours

Route 235 Communities

The Bonavista Peninsula is a loop with Route 235 serving as the opposite side of the loop to Route 230.  One can either visit the communities on the way to Bonavista or on the way back from Bonavista.  These directions are assuming you are visiting these communities on the way to Bonavista.   We recommend you AVOID ROUTE 236.  This is a dirt road and can be unfriendly to your rental vehicle.

Open Hall, Red Cliff, Tickle Cove

Approximately 40 minutes from Trinity

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn left onto Route 230 at the T intersection. Drive 25.3 km (21 minutes) to the Route 235 turn off and turn right.  Drive 25.3 km (25 minutes) to reach the left turn to Open Hall (a few minutes past Plate Cove East).

To reach Red Cliff continue driving 2.4km (3 minutes)

To reach Tickle Cove continue driving 2.5km (5 minutes): The turn off in Tickle Cve to get to the sea Arch is a right hand turn just prior to the community slipway for boats. If you pass the slipway you have gone too far.

Highlights: Tickle Cove Sea Arch, Paul Dolk Photography Studio, Filming areas for Grand Seduction

King’s Cove, Duntara & Keels

Approximately 45 minutes from the Artisan Inn

Rocky Terrain with houses and ocean

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn Left onto Route 230 at the T intersection. Drive 26km (21 minutes) to the Route 235 turn off and turn right.  Drive 31.6km (28 minutes) until you reach King’s Cove.

If you wish to visit Duntara, turn left at King’s Cove and Drive 5.2km (7 minutes).

If you wish to visit Keels turn left at King’s Cove and drive 8.5km (14 minutes).

Highlights: Lighthouse Hiking Trail in King’s Cove, Devil’s Foot Prints in Keels, Two Rooms Contemporary Art Gallery in Duntara.

Upper Amherst Cove

A whale waves from the water in Upper Amherst Cove

Approximately 45 minutes from the Artisan Inn.

If you are continuing your drive from communities along Route 235, continue driving 18km (18 minutes) north to Upper Amherst Cove.

If you only want to visit Upper Amherst Cove and not the other communities along Rotue 235 follow the below directions.

Take the sharp hairpin turn left at the Royal Bank to get onto Trinity Road. Turn right onto route 239 at the T intersection and drive 3.6km. Turn right onto route 230. Drive 30.4km (24 minutes) to Catalina and turn right onto Route 237.

Drive 11km (12 minutes) along Route 237.  At the end of the road turn right.  Drive 1.8km north (2 minutes)  and turn left into Upper Amherst Cove.

Highlight: The Bonavista Social Club

Geological Wonders

High rocky cliffs in Newfoundland
Marieke Gow Photography

This list is a selection of stunning locations you may wish to visit as you travel throughout the area.  For more details and other suggested locations, consider downloading the Bonavista Geological Tour app.


ROUTE 230         

Skerwink Trail near Trinity, Newfoundland
Marieke Gow Photography                                                                                                       


10 Minutes from Trinity

Skerwink Trail Sea Stacks

Located shortly after Skerwink trail turns from the old railway bed to the cut out coastal trail, the sea stacks can be viewed early in the walk and still enjoyed by those who do not wish to walk the entire trail.   


Dungeon Provincial Park Bonavista
Marieke Gow Photography


45 Minutes from Trinity

The Dungeon Provincial Park                                                                             

Visit the park to stand above a collapsed sea cave with natural archways as the rough ocean waves crash in and flow out of the cave.  There are many horses and cows grazing in this area.   


25 Minutes from Trinity


Head to the Factory Historic Building in Port Union.  In front of the building is a boardwalk with a set of steps leading down to rocks and water.  During low tide, you can walk out to see various fossils embedded in the rocks.

CBC: N.L. fossil shows earliest evidence ever of animals with muscles



Elliston Root Cellar, Newfoundland
Marieke Gow Photography


55 Minutes from Trinity

Root Cellars

Built from the naturally occurring rocks in the area and dug out from the hillsides, Root Cellars have put Elliston on the world map as the “Root Cellar Capital of the World.” Root cellars look somewhat like hobbit holes and various styles can be found in the area.  We recommend driving past the puffin viewing site in Elliston onto Circular Rd in Maberly to view the best selection.  

Large Sandy Beach in Elliston
Marieke Gow Photography

Elliston Beach

The only Sandy Beach on the Bonavista Peninsula is located on the way to the Puffin Viewing Site.


49 Minutes from Trinity

Sea Stack

This area is a hidden gem.  Just a few minutes by foot from the road, or accessible from the south by the Klondike Trail, Spillar’s Cove offers a landscape, largely barren of trees, with dramatic cliffs and an impressive sea stack.



40 Minutes from Trinity

The Sea Arch

This area of the Bonavista Peninsula is predominantly formed from slate.  The cliffs jutting out of the ocean are pinkish purple rather than the grey you see in most areas on Eastern Newfoundland. The sea arch is located off a small road just before the community boat slipway. People often miss it.  Our advice is when you overshoot it and find yourself at the end of a road looking at a rock painted like a quilt is laid upon it, turn around, see the slipway and you will notice a narrow road past it heading right.  Following this road. You should see a small sign that says “Sea Arch”.  We recommend walking past the viewing platform to the top of the cliffs for a great view.


60 Minutes from Trinity

The Devil's Footprints

The Devil’s footprints

In Keels, take a look at a geological phenomenon known as “The Devil’s Footprints”, pockets in the rocks, which, according to local folklore, are proof that the Devil walks this land at night. Keels itself is a beautiful community to stroll around and indulge one’s passion for photography.  


45 Minutes from Trinity

Multi-coloured cliffs of King's Cove
Marieke Gow Photography

Brooks Point

This stunning cliff is located on the Lighthouse Trail in King’s Cove.  It is an easy grade walk and you can access this lookout point after 25 minutes or so of walking.



Movie Sets and Locations

PETER PAN & WENDY (Release on Disney + late spring 2023)

Genre: Drama

Starring: Jude Law, Eva Anderson

Synopsis: Live-action adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s classic tale of a boy who wouldn’t grow up and recruits three young siblings in London to join him on a magical adventure to the enchanted Neverland island. (synopsis courtesy of imbd)

Locations: This film was shot in both British Columbia and Newfoundland.  The rugged and wild landscape of the Bonavista Peninsula brings Neverland to life.    

Trinity – Fort Point: Fort Point located a 15 minute drive away from Artisan Inn is part of the municipality of Trinity and is where a British fortification stood until it was destroyed during a 15-day period when the French occupied Trinity in 1762.  The second installation of a fort was in 1812 to serve as protection against the raids of American privateers.  After the fort was abandoned, a lighthouse was installed in 1871.  The opening scene of the recently released Peter Pan & Wendy trailer shows Wendy on a beach in Neverland. This scene was filmed at the base of Fort Point showing the beach as well as the rock formation referred to by locals as the Naked Man. 

Other Locations: The movie will be released later in Spring 2023, while we don’t know what scenes made the final cut we do catch a brief glimpse in the preview of Wendy meeting the Lost Boys for the first time. This shoot location was at Spillars Cove / Cable John Cove. While not in the preview we know that scenes were also shot at Tickle Cove and the Dungeon. Spillars Cove/Cable John Cove, Tickle Cove and the Dungeon are all notable locations of the UNESCO Discovery Global Geopark.


Fort Point, Trinity – Photo Credit: Marieke Gow



Genre: Drama

Starring: Sally Hawkins, Ethan Hawke

Synopsis: An arthritic Nova Scotia woman works as a housekeeper while she hones her skills as an artist and eventually becomes a beloved figure in the community. (synopsis courtesy of imbd)

Locations: This movie may be set in Nova Scotia, where the true life events took place, however, it was filmed here in Newfoundland.  

Trinity: The town of Trinity was used to represent Digby, Nova Scotia in this film. The mortuary on the road into Trinity (adjacent to the Eastern Health Building) was used as the wedding chapel where Ethan Hawke and Sally Hawkins’ characters wed. 

Port Rexton: A scene often repeated in the movie is of Ethan Hawke (Everett Lewis) pushing Sally Hawkin’s (Maude) on his cart as they travel to and from their tiny house outside of the town and Digby.  This scene was shot across from the Two Whales Coffee Shop in Port Rexton, an 8-minute drive from the Artisan Inn

Keels: The old town post office was transformed into the general store for the movie.  After filming was complete, a local business person turned the property into a tearoom called Maudie’s Tearoom.


Trinity, Newfoundland – Photo Credit: Marieke Gow


Genre: Drama

Starring: Colm Meaney, Aoife McMahon

Synopsis: A four-part miniseries that follows the lives and struggles of both Irish and English families that crossed the Atlantic to start a new life in Newfoundland.

Location: New Bonaventure

Random Passage was set in the early 1800s. The set for the community where the characters reside had to be built from scratch.  The location, just past the town of New Bonaventure, was selected because telephone and electrical wires could not be seen.  When filming was finished the town requested that the film set be left intact so that people could visit.  Even if you have not seen the series (8 hours long) or read the books, the site is well worth a visit.  

Random Passage – Photo Credit: Marieke Gow

Visit the Random Passage Site


Genre: Comedy

Starring: Brendon Gleeson, Gordon Pinsent, Taylor Kitch, Mark Critch

Synopsis: A Newfoundland village requires a permanent town doctor in order to convince a company to set up in their area and create jobs for those left unemployed by the fishing moratorium.  The village manages to convince a doctor to live in their community for a month and will stop at nothing to convince him that their small town life is one he does not want to leave.  

Locations: This movie was filmed throughout various parts of the Bonavista Peninsula

New Bonaventure: Joe’s bar was built specifically for the film with the agreement that it would be disassembled once filming was done, however, the town of New Bonaventure asked to have the set left as it was, so that visitors to the area could visit the set on a tour.  It does not function as an actual bar, but is used for special events such as kitchen parties from time to time.  Visitors can tour the building as part of an individual pass or joint pass with the Random Passage set tour.

Joe’s Place – Photo Credit: Marieke Gow

Tickle Cove: There is a scene in the movie when Gordon Pinsent emerges from the water in scuba gear after playing a trick on the doctor.  This is filmed in front of the Tickle Cove sea arch.  Whether you have watched the movie or not this geologically significant sight is worth a visit if one is driving along the scenic route 235.  

Tickle Cove Sea Arch – Photo Credit: Marieke Gow


Red Cliff: Red Cliff is where the Cricket Match was filmed.  It is possible to wander from the town of Red Cliff to this area, however, the trail is unmarked and not part of the Hike Discovery network, so visitors may do so at their own risk.

Open Hall: This was where the house the Doctor was put up in is located.  

Maberly: The scene where the Doctor is caught in the rain during a jog and finds his love interest taking cover under a stage was filmed in Maberly.

Visit Joe’s Bar


Genre: Drama

Starring: Julianne Moore, Kevin Spacey, Judy Dench, Cate Blanchette

Synopsis: The Shipping News traces one man’s extraordinary journey toward self -discovery when he returns to his ancestral home on the coast of Newfoundland. After the death of his estranged wife, Quoyle’s fortunes begin to change when his long-lost aunt convinces him and his daughter to head north. Now in a place where life is as rough as the weather and secrets are as vast as the ocean, Quoyle lands a job as a reporter for the local paper. In the course of his new career, he uncovers some dark family secrets.

Location: The Town of New Bonaventure

The Director of the Shipping news spent two years trying to find the perfect location to bring the Annie Proulx novel to the big screen.  On one tour of Newfoundland, someone took him to see the set of the film Random Passage and as they passed the town of New Bonaventure he knew he had found the perfect location.

The House:  Many people ask us where they can visit the house from the movie, however, it was built for the film and taken down after shooting.  The house was located on an off-road from the Fort Point Lighthouse.  There is a new hike you can do around the general area called the South Side Hills Hike. 

Fun fact: Julianne Moore stayed at the Artisan Inn in the Barbour House during the 6 weeks of filming.



Need more details on how to get to these spots from the Inn? Check out our Communities and Directions page!

Historical and Cultural Guided Tours



Bring your imagination and join Kevin Toope as he relates the story of Trinity and its peoples; the Beothuk Indians, the French, the Irish, and the English and their contributions to a magnificent and colorful history. Through stories, historic photos, burial records, shipwrecks, and disasters you will time travel through the history of Newfoundland in the magical setting called Trinity.

Additional Links 

 Trinity Historical Walking Tours Website

Trip Advisor Reviews

Getting There

Distance from Twine Loft:  Walking Distance 8 minutes

Clinch’s Lane





Colourful yellow bakeapples are browned in a frying pan on a rocky beach in Newfoundland

A mix of tours including traditional boil-ups, an exploration of communities along Route 235 and a historic walking tour of the town of Bonavista.

Additional Links:

Bonavista Adventure Tours

Getting There:

Distance from Artisan Inn Trinity 48 minutes
Address: 148 Cape Shore Road

Google Maps directions

Trip Advisor Reviews

Performing and Fine Arts


The Bonavista Peninsula is a place where music, theatre and art are sewn into the fabric of our being.  Here are just a few options for where to take in quality art or experience musical or theatrical performances on the Bonavista Peninsula.  Many businesses and not-for-profits announce artistic events throughout the summer season.  If you are interested in what is going on be sure to ask us when you register. 


Photo courtesy of Rising Tide Theatre

There is so much to be said about Rising Tide Theatre located in Trinity that we have created its own page under our Explore Trinity.  2018 marks the 40th year anniversary of the Theatre Company. Its director, Donna Butt, has received the order of Canada for her contribution to the arts in Canada.

Visit our Rising Tide Page to learn about 






Come experience the exceptional beauty and incredible acoustics of St. Paul’s.

Admission: By donation, to be used for maintenance of the church

Upcoming Concert Dates: Wednesday July 7 – 7:00pm – The Scallywags (bluegrass, country / NFLD)

Wednesday July 31st – 7:00pm – Maureen and Friends: A Celebration of Newfoundland Music

Sunday August 4th – 7:30pm – The Ennis Sisters



Art Exhibit at the Twine Loft

The Twine Loft uses its walls to exhibit original Newfoundland art and a majority of the pieces are for sale.  If you are not a guest of the inn or dining with us, you are welcome to come look at the art between 10am and 5:30pm when meal services are not taking place.

View our Art Exhibits page under our Restaurant section to learn more about featured artists.


10 Minutes from Trinity


The Two Whales Coffee Shop doubles as a vegetarian restaurant and gallery space, featuring multiple exhibits, often of Newfoundland artists, throughout their operating season. They also host musical performances multiple times a month.  To find out which artists are being featured or concert schedules, visit their website.

Two Whales Website


The Fisher’s Loft Conference centre often hosts art exhibits in the main conference room. On occasional evenings throughout the summer authors host book readings.

Fisher’s Loft Website



19 minutes from Trinity

English Harbour Arts Centre


The English Harbour Arts Centre is a not-for-profit charitable organization dedicated to the promotion of artistic and cultural education and the preservation of historic and cultural spaces. They are committed to operating an economically self-sustaining institution for the arts that provides learning opportunities for people of all ages and levels of artistic experience. Their multidisciplinary program includes art holidays, workshops, residencies, community outreach, special projects and public events. The English Harbour Arts Centre hosts various performances by some of Newfoundland’s most celebrated musicians including The Once, The Fortunate Ones, Matthew Byrne, The Ennis Sisters and many more.  

Additional Links

English Harbour Arts Centre Website



30 Minutes from Trinity


Art Gallery, Workshops, Screening Room, Artist Residencies, Community Events

Union House Arts (UHA) is a new community artspace operated through the Sir William F. Coaker Heritage Foundation. UHA is committed to supporting work being produced by artists and craftspeople in Newfoundland and Labrador through place-specific dialogues and collaborative programming in Port Union.

Summer hours are 11-5 Thursday – Monday, until the Biennale starts August 17th. Then the schedule changes to 10am-5pm daily.

Union House Arts Website


45 minutes from Trinity

looking out from the stage of the Garrick Theatre. A mic in the centre of the stage, red chairs and the lights are up.


The  Garrick  is  a  multi-use,  200-seat  theatre  and  meeting  space  in  the  Town  of Bonavista.  Owned and  operated  by  the  Bonavista  Historic  Townscape  Foundation, this  year-round  cultural  facility offers comfortable  theatre  seating,  state-of-the-art sound   and   lighting   equipment   including   full   digital cinema,   and   exceptional acoustics.  At The Garrick you can find the best in performing arts and film.

Additional Links

The Garrick Theatre


For more information on Artisan Craft visit our page


For directions to these locations visit




Shop Locally Made

Take the time to “Twack” as we say in Newfoundland or “Window Shop” as the rest of the world says.  The Bonavista Peninsula has become a destination where Artisans come to live in tranquil beauty and produce quality made cultural-crafts, including soap made from iceberg water, locally brewed beers, knit sweaters, locally made ice cream and more.  This list is focused on places where high-quality products are the focus and the artisans behind the products live in the area.



We have an entire section dedicated to what Trinity has to offer visitors looking to shop for Artisan Crafts and Eats under our EXPLORE TRINITY section. Click the link to learn about the following places

Trinity Crafts

The Green Family Forge

Mirabella Jewelry

Aunt Sarah’s Chocolate

Sweet Rock Icecream

Trinity Mercantile

The Cooperage

Lester Garland Craft Shop and more…



10 Minutes from Trinity

A girl in a plaid shirt pulls a pint of beer

Port Rexton Brewery

The Port Rexton Brewery served its first mason jar of beer in July of 2016 and has quickly become one of the most popular destinations on our peninsula and the island.  Located in a renovated schoolhouse on Station Road, the brewery not only serves up a variety of beers including IPAs, Saisons and Porters but also serves as a bar and hangout area.  Please note that there is not currently a taxi service in the Trinity Bight Area, so please drink responsibly.


25 minutes from Trinity

A clay mug sits on a rocky coastline with pack ice in the background

Wild Cove Ceramics

Here artist Michael Flaherty marries nature and art. He often works outdoors, digging clay, cutting wood, and collecting glaze materials for use in his studio.


45 Minutes from Trinity

East Coast Glow

This company’s mission is to create the purest luxury skin care on the planet using locally wild-crafted and sustainably grown botanicals and wild harvested icebergs.

Sweet Rock Ice Cream

Sweet Rock Icecream has locations in both Bonavista and Trinity.  The Bonavita location also sells a selection of Aunt Sarah’s Chocolates.  We won’t lie though, the view from Sweet Rock’s Trinity Location can’t be beaten.

Tree Line Fine Art and Craft 

Tree Line Fine Art and Craft is a craft retail shop and studio, owned by Morgaine Parnham, a textile artist from Portugal Cove, Newfoundland. Tree Line focuses on showcasing the finest emerging craftspeople from around the province. The space is also used as Morgaine’s weaving studio and she creates craft on site. 

This list does not include everyone on the Peninsula as new artisans are appearing in the area every season.  The Artisan Inn staff will be happy to provide you with a complete overview once you check in.


Puffin Viewing

Atlantic Puffins
Puffins by Paul Dolk: To purchase this print, visit Paul Dolks Website

The Bonavista Peninsula is one of the few places in North America where you can get up close to a puffin colony, without having to get on a boat, although, you can do that too if you wish.  


Bird Island is one of the best places to view Puffins from land in Newfoundland. It’s location is accessible free of cost, but we encourage our visitors to contribute a small amount to the donation box as there is some infrastructure and upkeep required for the site and area.  

Puffin Viewing Donation Box

When you arrive at the Puffin site, there is a 5-minute walk from the road to the cliff that faces the island where to Puffins nest. Depending on the time of the day, their mood and the size of the crowd, the puffins may fly to your side of the cliffs.  

Elliston has become very popular with visitors.  If you would like to experience the puffins in a less crowded environment, we suggest taking a tour with Tuckamore Discovery Tours, or ask the Artisan Inn Staff when you check in where some other, more locally known, spots to view puffins are.

For directions to Elliston from Trinity please visit our page

Communities and Directions

Additional Links

Video: Candice Does Newfoundland: Elliston Puffins and Roots Cellars

Downhome Article about Tuckamore Discoveries Puffin Tours

Matador Network: Elliston Puffins

Information about puffins from Canadian Geographic:

The Atlantic Puffin is a pigeon-sized sea bird, the smallest species of puffin. Their black head, back and wings contrast sharply with their white underside, while their blue, orange and yellow beaks and bright orange feet give them a splash of colour.  

Puffins are poor fliers and evolution has not yet helped them to develop a graceful landing strategy.  While not as useful in the air, their wings make them excellent underwater swimmers.

Puffins live for the majority of the year at sea, but come to land to breed and burrow on the Bonavista Peninsula between late May and late August. Puffins normally keep the same mate and burrow from year to year and, on average, live for up to 20 years.

An Atlantic Puffin flies over Bird Island in Elliston
Puffins by Paul Dolk: To purchase this print, visit Paul Dolk’s Website

Whale and Iceberg Tours


Trinity Bay and Bonavista Bay serve as nature’s playground during the Spring and Summer months in Newfoundland.  

Twenty-two species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises swim the waters along the coastline of Newfoundland and Labrador during the months of May to August. The Bonavista Peninsula is a perfect location to see and appreciate these magnificent creatures of the sea.  

Some species spotted in Trinity Bay and Bonavista Bay include: Humpback Whales, Sperm Whales, Minke Whales, Pothead Whales and Killer Whales (Orcas).  White-sided dolphins and Bluefin Tuna are frequently spotted during the Fall.  

Boat tours also provide the opportunity to see the many majestic icebergs floating past Trinity during Spring and early Summer.  The prime time to see icebergs is between late May and late June.

Finally, the Peninsula’s unique geological features offer an added bonus on every trip.

A whale shows off during a tour with Sea of Whales Adventures
Marieke Gow Photography

Those who come to visit during the month of June and early July are sometimes lucky enough to spot icebergs, whales and various sea birds, including: the Atlantic Puffin and Bald Eagles all at once!

To see daily records of whale sightings in our area CLICK HERE.  

The two communities that offer boat tours with the focus of seeing wildlife are Trinity and Bonavista.


Three boat tours are located within walking distance of the Artisan Inn

A group of people wearing flotation safety suits sit in a zodiac operated by Sea of Whales adventures
Photo Taken on Sea of Whale Adventure Tours. The #1 boat tour on trip advisor for the town of Trinity

Sea of Whales Adventure  

Vessel Type: Zodiac
Phone: 1-709-464-2200
Address: 1 Ash’s Lane
Walking Distance from the Twine Loft: 2 minutes     


Atlantic Adventures                                                                                                                                  

Vessel Type: Trawller sailer
Phone: 1-709-464-2133
Address: 1 Dock Lane
Walking distance from the Twine Loft: 6 minutes                                           

Trinity Eco Tours   

Vessel Type: Zodiac
Phone: 1-709-464-3712
Address: 1 Stoneman’s Lane
Walking distance from the Twine Loft: 4 minutes


A boat tour returning at sunset to a flock of puffins

Discovery Sea Adventures

Vessel Type: Fast Rescue Craft
Phone: 1-709-470-0322
Address: Roper Street, Bonavista NL
Located in the parking lot of the Matthew Legacy site

Bonavista Puffin and Whale Tours

Vessel Type: Larger vessel type with indoor and outdoor seating and a washroom on board
Phone: 1-709-468-8438
Address: 15 Roper Street, Bonavista NL
Located in the parking lot of the Matthew Legacy site.

Places to Whale Watch From Land in Trinity Bight

While boat tours offer a first class whale watching experience, getting you up close and personal with wildlife, not everyone has the greatest sea legs.  We can never guarantee a whale sighting, however, we can tell you where the locals often go to watch Humpbacks feeding once they have arrived for the season.  Our staff receive updates from local boat tours and summer residents when pods are feeding close to shore in certain area’s.  We do our best to communicate anything exciting that we are aware of when we register guests at the inn or during morning breakfast.

Fort Point Lighthouse and Beach

Watch for humpback whales on the beach of Fort Point, Trinity

We recommend getting a lunch to go from Trinity Mercantile Coffee Shop and heading to Fort Point Lighthouse for a picnic.  Whales are often seen feeding during the month of July just off the point’s beach.

Driving Distance from Trinity: 19 Minutes

English Harbour / Horse Chops

Cliffs of English Harbour
Located 19 minutes from the Artisan Inn

This is the area many locals go to watch whales from the cliffs. The beach in English Harbour is also a popular spot to watch the capelin when they start to roll.  locals are often seen here with buckets to harvest the small silver fish for a meal.

Driving Distance from Trinity: 19 Minutes

Skerwink Trail, Trinity East/Port Rexton

Skerwink Trail
Marieke Gow Photography

Whales often feed below the cliffs, offering hikers a bird’s eye view.  One cannot drive up to these spots, but instead, must hike the outer trail for the best vantage points.

Driving distance from Trinity: 13 minutes

Please note that whales are wild animals and their feeding times and locations can never be guaranteed.

Find Driving Directions to all communities mentioned


Historic Sites



We have an entire page dedicated to the historic sites of Trinity, all within walking distance of Artisan Inn accommodations.  Sites include:

The Lester Garland Building
The Hiscock House
The Green Family Forge
The Ryan Shop
The Trinity Museum
The Court House/Wooden Boat Museum
The Cooperage
St. Paul’s Church and the Holy Trinity Church

Visit our page HISTORIC SITES IN TRINITY to learn more.


A laundry line is hung with clothing from the 19th century with a square green house in the background

Random Passage Site   

Ok, this is not a historic site, but instead, a movie set from the mini-series Random Passage.  It does, however, offer visitors the chance to understand the struggle many of the first Newfoundland settlers faced when they arrived on this barren isolated land from England and Ireland and what early settlements would have looked liked including the church, schoolhouse, and the disparity between the houses of the well-off and those who struggled to survive the winter.

Additional Links

Random Passage on Eastlink’s Discover NL


Port Union Museum

Port Union National Historic District

Port Union is the only union-built town in North America. Construction began on the shores of Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, in 1916. Within five years, a busy and modern union town bordered the protected deep-water harbour-all made possible through the hard work and vision of the members of the Fishermen’s Protective Union (the FPU) and their first leader, William Ford Coaker.

To learn more about the Union Town, visit the Factory and The Bungalow

Additional Links

Trip Advisor Reviews


Home from the sea, Sealer’s Memorial Museum

The great sealing disasters of 1914 contributed greatly to the loss of a generation soon to be devastated by World War I. In remembering these men, Home from The Sea presents the historical and cultural context of sealing in Newfoundland and Labrador through seven captivating visitor experiences.  Learn more by visiting the linked website.

Sealer’s Memorial Statue

Situated on Porter’s Point, facing the sea and looking back toward home, rests the bronze statue of father and son Reuben and Albert John Crewe, residents of Elliston who perished out on the ice in the 1914 SS Newfoundland sealing disaster. Created by acclaimed sculptor Morgan MacDonald, it sits as a poignant reminder not only of great loss but of the remarkable ties that bind families together in places where going to work and coming Home from the Sea is never a guarantee. It stands to represent all sealers who have risked and lost their lives in their efforts to support their families and communities. Learn more by visiting the linked website.


The Ryan Premises

A salty scent lingers within the cluster of white, 19th century clapboard buildings of the Ryan Premises, perched on the shore of Bonavista’s historic and picturesque harbour. Hear the reminiscences of the site’s interpreters, most of whom have a personal connection to the fishing industry; marvel at the variety of artifacts in the on-site Bonavista Museum; and explore the internationally-recognized “Cod, Seals and Survivors” exhibition that tells the 500-year story of Canada’s east coast fishery.

Matthew Legacy Centre

500 years after John Cabot first arrived in Newfoundland, both Bristol and Newfoundland marked the monumental event by recreating the voyage in 1997. A replica of Cabot’s ship, The Matthew, sailed across the Atlantic and landed at Bonavista’s shores and was greeted by hundreds of on-lookers, including Queen Elizabeth II.  The Matthew Legacy Centre was built to house the ship and visitors can tour the boat and learn more about Cabot.

Additional Links:

Video: A Voyage Across the Atlantic on a Replica of The Matthew – History Channel

Bonavista Lighthouse

Cape Bonavista Lighthouse was constructed in 1843 and is currently restored to the 1870s period. The highlight of the lighthouse is an original catoptric light mechanism that dates to 1816. An adjacent interpretation centre features exhibits on lighthouse technology and lightkeepers’ lives.

Additional notes: Some of the site summaries are copied directly from the websites of those sites and are not the original content of the Artisan Inn and Twine Loft.